Audiology Services

Diagnosis and treatment of problems of the ear begin with a comprehensive otolaryngologic exam, which may include audiological testing. Often these diagnostic procedures can be completed in conjunction with your visit to see the doctor.

The majority of testing is completed the same day. However, there are elements of the diagnostic evaluation of the hearing and balance system that are scheduled for another date due to the length of time needed to conduct the study.

The component elements of the diagnostic evaluation will vary according to the patient's problem and presenting symptoms. Your physician can guide the evaluation into three distinct areas classified by your symptoms that fall under the classification of Evaluation Services. Following the appropriate evaluation services our office will complement your care with appropriate Rehabilitative Services.

Evaluation Services

  • Hearing loss with difficulty understanding conversational speech
    All measurements are compared to the average normal hearing person.

    Evaluation can include:
    • Pure tone testing - examination of hearing deficit under earphones at various frequencies for each ear.
    • Speech reception testing - determination of the softest level a patient can hear and understand speech under earphones.
    • Speech discrimination testing - examination of speech comprehension with the presentation level allowance given to the degree of hearing loss under earphones.
    • Sound field speech testing - examination of speech reception and comprehension at normal conversation levels without the use of earphones.
    • Tympanometry - evaluation of eardrum motion and integrity.

  • Suspicion of hearing loss due to delay of speech and language development: due to a family history of hearing loss; or due to poor performance in school
    All measurements are compared to the average normal hearing person.

    Evaluation can include:
    • Sound field sound and speech testing - for non-respondent patient's; the evaluation of hearing with sound presented through speakers in a specialized test environment. (A non-ear dependent exam).
    • Tympanometry - evaluation of eardrum motion and integrity.
    • Evoked otoacoustic emissions - computerized evaluation of inner ear hearing ability without a patient response.
    • Auditory evoked potentials - computerized evaluation of sound processing above the level of the inner ear.

  • Vestibular (balance) system problems that demonstrate symptoms of dizziness or disequalibrium

    Evaluation can include:
    • Electrocochleography - computerized inner ear evaluation to diagnosis Meniere's disease.
    • Spontaneous nystagmus test - evaluation of eye involvement in vestibular disturbance.
    • Positional nystagmus test - evaluation of head position involvement in vestibular disturbance.
    • Caloric vestibular test - evaluation of inner ear involvement in vestibular disturbance.
    • Oscillating tracking test - evaluation of eye involvement in vestibular disturbance.

Rehabilitative services

  • Hearing

    Services can include:
    • Hearing aid selection - working with your audiologist to make the best all-around choice. This choice will reflect your needs, preferences, and budget.

      Included in this decision are the following issues:
      • Your lifestyle and level of activity
      • Your physical characteristics, limitations, and dexterity
      • Any medical condition you may have
      • Your cosmetic and style preference
      • The amount you are willing to pay
      • Choice of one or two aids
      • Special features to the instrument

    • Making an impression of your ear - assures perfect fit to limit feedback (whistle) and irritation problems.
    • Orientation to your hearing aid - instruction on insertion, feature controls, daily cleaning, changing batteries and precautions against damage.
    • Counseling - an ongoing process that assists you in living with your new hearing aid. We help you adjust to a new world of sound giving you accurate expectations, tips for better listening, hints for your family and friends and generally improving your communication skills.
    • Guidance to other assistive listening devices - products such as alerting devices, group listening devices, personal communicators, television listening devices and amplified telephones and cell phones.

  • Balance

    Services can include:
    • Medical therapy - medications supplied by your physician.
    • Vestibular exercises - to practice balancing in every day situations that will promote natural movements in daylight and in the dark.
    • Canalith repositioning procedure - a technique performed by your physician to retain the inner ear balance signals sent to the brain.
    • Meniett device - a treatment use for Meniere's Disease that is portable, and a self-administered treatment taking only a few minutes each day.

Business Hours

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday:

8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Saturday, Sunday:


Allergy Shot Hours


8:15 am - 5:00 pm

Tuesday - Thursday:

8:15 pm - 5:00 pm


8:15 pm - 4:00 pm

Saturday, Sunday:
